Sarah Horne


Postpartum Doula, postpartum education, in home coaching, postpartum massage, nutritious meals, tailored action plans, breastfeeding support, access to expert referral, routines, sleeping/settling, maternal mental health, physical healing

“Everybody wants to hold the baby but who holds the mother?”

Doula means ‘one who serves’. I can guide and facilitate.

Doula means ‘one who serves’. I can guide and facilitate you in the huge, life altering change and transitional time, into parenthood. 

As a postpartum doula, coach and educator; I empower you with knowledge, confidence and belief in your new skills and parenting abilities. I help you to integrate your new family member, on your terms. Sleep and settling routines and all that’s encompassed within this. Feeding: breast/bottle or a combination of both. Addressing your physical, mental and emotional states of change and discovering the ‘new normal’. Unpacking the bewilderment and providing clarity, purpose and understanding, with access to experts for further support. Nutritious meals and snacks and how to prepare these in your windows of opportunity. Ensuring the whole family are adapting and moving forward as a team. 

I become your biggest cheerleader on your team. 
Experience, wisdom and empathy.
I am here to serve you. 


Amanda Cumming


Debbie Eaton